Why don’t affirmations seem to work when you say them?
The law of attraction responds to your frequency, not your words. So if you say the affirmations, “I am wealthy and rich” and you FEEL broke and poor after you say it.. or you feel like you can’t achieve the affirmation you just stated… the emotion you FEEL is what is going to manifest (the frequency of your vibration). You ever heard of the saying, “what you put out is what comes back to you?” That is the name is the game here. If you state ANY affirmation that you feel is not currently true, then it won’t manifest. That is law. You must believe the words coming out of your mouth if you want to see your desires manifest.
“But how? How do I start to believe these things if they’re not true? How do I get the house, or the money, or the car if I don’t have it? I don’t see it.”
First, let’s ask ourselves… What is a belief? A belief is a thought you continuously think about! That’s it! Have you ever heard your home girl, or anybody say, “girl, he lie so much, he starting to believe his own lies!”? This is the same concept! Lol, it’s true! If you say/think something sooo many times, it will literally turn into your truth! So in order to change your current belief of money or any of your desires, you must change how you speak about them! (remember, our words are super powerful as well!). So if your current belief is, “I never have enough money”, “All I do is work for bills”, etc.. switch up how you speak/think! Say things like, “I am an abundant being!”, “I deserve all the riches!”, “Wealth is my birth right!”, etc, and see what happens. Also remember, the emotion you put behind it is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! If you don’t believe it yet, repetition is key here. Say these affirmations every morning, throughout your day, whenever you have those scarcity thoughts of not having enough, and so on. If you keep repeating them, eventually you’ll feel a shift in your vibration! It may take a lot of repetition because these limiting beliefs have been wired in us for as long as we can remember, but I can assure you, if you become aware of the lack you speak and switch it up, your reality will change.
Another great way to raise your frequency/vibration is to meditate. If your mind is all over the place, or filled with limiting beliefs and you can’t seem to shake the chatter, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Whenever your mind starts to wander, gently let your thoughts go and bring your awareness back to the breath. Feel how your chest/stomach expands with every inhale and deflates with each exhale. Notice how your body starts to relax after the first few deep breaths in and out. No effort is required here, forget about everything in this very moment. Just relax into your skin. Feel how good it is to finally be free of the noise. And again, if any thoughts should come up, gently place them to the back of your mind and refocus on the breath. This is such a powerful way to spend time with yourself and of course, raise your vibration!
So the next time you say an affirmation that you don’t believe, remember these few things I mentioned. Repetition is key! Once you start talking as if being wealthy is your reality NOW, or having your dream car sitting in your garage as we speak, your reality will start to shift. This is deliberate creation. It starts with focusing on how you FEEL. Feel excited when you state these affirmations as if they’re on the way, because they ARE!
1. How to Change Limiting Beliefs with Affirmations and Meditation
- Affirmations don't work when you say them because the law of attraction responds to your frequency, not words.
- Beliefs are just thoughts we continuously think about. To change our beliefs, we need to change how we speak/think and have emotion behind it.
- Repetition is key for changing limiting beliefs that have been wired in our minds for a long time.
- Meditation is another way to raise our frequency and vibration so that new affirmations can be accepted easier by the mind.
2. Raising Your Vibration with Affirmations
- Take time each day to focus on your breath, which can help raise your vibration.
- Repetition is key when trying to manifest your desired reality with affirmations.
- Focus on how you FEEL when stating these affirmations and adopt a mindset of deliberate creation.
- Surround yourself with positive energy as this will reinforce the power of intention behind these words.
- Visualize the manifestation of these affirmations already being present in your life, reinforcing the idea that they already exist for you.
- Consistently engage in self talk which expresses belief and positivity towards what it is you’re hoping to receive or create through using affirimative statements.
- Remind yourself that by speaking well and willingly engaging in such processes, results are certain to occur if done over a period of dedicated effort and practice!